
People should use what they’re good at to do things they believe in and enjoy, and that’s my fundamental goal for this blog.

One of my passions is writing, and through that writing I’m exploring my interests, adding value and vision to my life, and always pushing myself to be better. I’ll be sharing interesting, fun, and thought-provoking content here about a wide range of topics that I hope others will find insightful and valuable. It’s early 2020 as I write this, and I have many ideas for articles for this site, so hopefully you’ll stick with me as this evolves over time. 

Combining the five things below, my mission for this blog is to use my writing to share knowledge in fun and interesting ways that engage and motivate people to learn and take actions that are meaningful to them

Writing:  Writing is one of my “North Stars” in life.  It’s a goal of mine to develop my skills, and I enjoy the journey of exploring through writing.

Sharing:  Sharing binds people together.  One of the best gifts you can give someone is sharing something that you find valuable or interesting.  Maybe what you share will bring enjoyment, wonder, amazement, happiness, or help…and that’s a great way to improve your corner of the world. 

Knowledge:  Learning is food for the soul, and I spend much of my time absorbing all that I can about the many topics I’m interested in.  Trying things.  Experiencing things.  I use what I’ve learned to drive my personal life, relationships, career, hobbies, and also just for having fun!   

Stories:  A good story is valuable.  It’s like a jewel.  Stories engage people, open minds, create lasting images, entertain, and resonate long after the story is over.  

Action:  As an action-oriented person, I’m constantly in motion. I’m moving forward, having fun, learning, and reaching my goals by being as productive as possible with my time. “Just do it”!

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Walt Disney